Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why a Website Is So Important And To Maintain. SEO Basics

Why a Website Is So Important And To Maintain.

As someone who has owned and maintained 2 websites with one site operating since 1997 and the other since 2002 I realize the importance and necessity of having a website. Simply put, if you are starting a business or have had a business for years you must have a website. I don’t care if you own a dry cleaners OR a wedding based business. A web site is your “portal” or direct contact with your potential customer and current customers. In this day everyone uses the internet to research and purchase products and services.

If you don’t have a website, stop everything and make this #1 on the priority list. Get a web site now!

Okay, so you have a site up. Let me say that a website is a WORK IN PROGRESS. It is never finished. If you haven’t made a change to your site in the last 30 days you are not letting your site work for you. You could possibly be losing money.

If you haven’t changed the look of your site in the last year you are losing customers. The looks and feel of websites is constantly changing and new trends occur constantly. Small graphical and text content changes can dramatically alter the look of your site. Ever notice other major websites and how every time you click to them they seem to be fresh and new? That’s the point. Keep the site interesting.

In creating a site the very first concern you should have is SEO. Search Engine Optimization. What is SEO? It is more than one thing. It is a strategy with technical requirements that allow positioning on the search engines. When a potential customer types in a search term in the Google search bar she is looking for something specific. If Google doesn’t know you exist your site won’t come up for viewing OR will come up on page 300 instead of page #1. Is it easy to reach the top of page #1? No, unless you buy the sponsored ads on the very top of the page. Many companies opt to buy these sponsored links because they have found it hard to reach the top positions in the “common” non-paid for area.

SEO has become an art form. There are designers such as myself who constantly are educating themselves in the latest SEO techniques. SEO is a lot of work. Even with doing everything correct in SEO strategies there is no guarantee you will receive a high listing better known as page rank.

Since I am much better at speaking than typing a blog click on my video adjoining this blog . I will dive into the world of SEO. One thing I can say is 75% of SEO can be done by you the owner of the website and done absolutely FREE. How do you do it? Watch my attached YouTube video and I’ll give you an idea. SEO is a collaborative effort between your website designer and your own SEO strategy efforts.

Once again I encourage you to join my blog AND my YouTube channel  and receive helpful ideas on GROWING YOUR WEDDING BUSINESS. Even if by chance you don’t have a wedding business but somehow are reading this, the same principles apply.

In coming blogs I will be talking about bridal show marketing, business burn out, publication advertising and customer support. Again subscribe to my blog and video channel for more in depth information about all subjects and today’s topic on SEO.